Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I've been gone for a few days with a girlfriend for a girls weekend away. We went to Nashville and had a great time. I'll write about that later -- I need to rest up!

But, I did want to bring a few things to the attention of many of you who read this blog on a regular basis.

Two colleagues of mine that serve with me on the Early Stage Advocacy Group are doing something pretty special. They are organizing an Early Stage Alzheimer's Conference in Los Angelese, CA on October 27th. The LA Times had an article about them this week and I have posted the link. (you will need to register for the LA Times but it is free). The link is http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/california/la-me-dementia30sep30,1,6421737.story?page=2&coll=la-headlines-pe-california

For more information about the conference you can go to www.alzla.org/earlystageforum
It's only $25.00 for those with the disease and $75 for professional caregivers. If you are in the LA area and can attend this event I urge you to do so. Rich and Jay know what they are doing and I know that you would find it valuable.

Another event that is a few months away is the next Town Hall meeting put on by the National Alzheimer's Association. This Town Hall meeting is meant and designed for people that have Early On-Set Alzheimer's. The meeting is being held on December 1st in Spartanburg, SC. I attended one of these in Chicago and it was great. For more information on this meeting go to http://www.alz.org/townhall/ and register.


Anonymous said...

Thanks K for the update on the link -- I don't know how I've been missing it, but I was getting worried/concerned for you. I'm glad to see that you're doing alright. I have to let you know that hearing you explain how AD affects you really helps me to understand my mom. Not that every symptom that you have would be exactly the same as mom's, but hearing about the panic attacks and how noises get to you etc. really seems to be what mom has had for a while. Thanks for sharing your journey. D

Anonymous said...

P.S. Congrats on your weight loss -- how did you do it? It's a real struggle for me, but I'm determined to do it, no matter how long it takes, and to do it healthily. D

Anonymous said...

K, wish we could get a town hall meeting going. We are attempting to start a support group for people with early onset dementia/alzheimer's. We have have had 4 meeting with an attendance of 6. Three people with alzheimer's and family. I am in northeat louisiana. (livingwithearlyonsetalzheimers.blogspot.com) Thanks for your blog

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.