Sunday, May 08, 2011

Vince Gill Story Part Two

I received a comment on my post below. It is from the cousin of the young man who got up to dance with his aunt. Thank you Ms. Reynolds for sharing this lovely story. I didn't want to just post this in comments, as many of my readers don't always read them. So, I hope you don't mind. And, speaking from someone that has Alzheimer's -- I know that this certainly meant a great deal to your mom. We should all wish for such a "touching moment" in our lives.

I came across your blog and thought I'd tell you the story behind that "touching moment". The couple you saw dancing was my mom and my cousin (he's more like her grandson than nephew as his father is my father's baby brother). "Look At Us" was my parents song from the day they heard it until last year when Daddy was snatched away from us following a tragic accident. Mom has Alzheimers and Daddy was taking care of her. She now lives with me, my husband and daughter. On April 29, 2003, 3 days before my parents' 50th anniversary, my niece had gotten front row seats for my parents and aunt and uncle (parents of the young man you saw dancing) to go and see Vince in Sarasota, Florida. We had made them a sign and my aunt gave a letter to a security guard before the concert asking that Vince sing "Look At Us" for my parents. Not only did he sing it for them but he brought them up on stage and they danced on stage while he sang. It was a moment that is one of my mom's most treasured memories and one that Alzheimer's hasn't touched. Before Daddy died he promised Mom he'd take her to see Vince one more time. When my cousin heard on the radio that Vince was coming to Macon and it was an Alzheimers fundraiser he called to let us know and I bought tickets the day they went on sale. We knew this was orchestrated by God as it was 3 days after Daddy's birthday and Mom and Dad's anniversary and with Mom having Alzheimers we knew how special this opportunity was. Both of Daddy's sister's, his only living brother and his wife, their son,and my husband and I were there with Mom. We didn't tell her where we were going and she was so surprised and excited when she picked up the program from her chair. My aunt and I had written Vince letters and I gave them to the guitar player when he was tuning he guitar before the concert. If you remember Vince dedicated the song in memory of Dennis Segars - my dad. So now you know...... the rest of the story. Vince Gill is an amazing person that has given my mom and my family 2 of the most precious memories and I will forever be grateful to him for taking the time to read a letter and then having the compassion to touch the lives of people he's never met in such a special way!!


Marty said...

Thanks for sharing this very touching story, Kris.

Quentin said...

Wonderful story.