Friday, April 04, 2008

It's cold and rainy here today. Two days ago it was in the low 80's. Yesterday the high was in the upper 40's. Sunday it is suppose to be 70. Go figure. The pollen is out in full force and everyone in town is sniffling or sneezing whether they have allergies or not.

Tomorrow is the Town Hall Meeting in Atlanta for Early Memory Loss. I hope the turnout is good. There seems to be a good number pre-registered. I'm glad the chapter is doing this as they have not done a lot in the past for the early stage folks. We'll see how well this goes over.

I've been trying to take it easy this week. I'm trying to better pace myself, but that really takes a lot of discipline on my part and that isn't always easy for me to do. But if I don't I get so exhausted that I'm not very good for a few days so I need to be better.

More on Sunday.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I have just started a blog about my mother's journey through Alzeheimer's and am adding interesting links. I have linked to the interview with CBS and will also link to your blog. I was wondering if you would post a link to mine as well.
I wish you the best!