Sunday, April 06, 2008

Town Hall Meeting

Yesterday was the Town Hall meeting in Atlanta. Almost 100 people drove through some pretty rough rain and weather to get to the meeting. We were very pleased with the turnout and the results. I was so pleased that so many people spoke up and shared their stories. The Association did a great job in getting prepared and facilitating the meeting. I was especially moved by the people who find themselves still waiting for social security and for the system to catch up with them. It is so sad that this is the way it is, when it doesn't have to be. Many were forced from their jobs and the stories become all too familiar.

Thanks to those who came up to me and said they have been following this blog. I never know who is going to read this and to those that do I say thank you. Many times I don't know what I'm going to write when I sit down at the keyboard. I find people do wade through some of the nonsense that I publish here -- and I appreciate their patience with me as I struggle to write sometimes.

But yesterday was extremely exhausting for me. I realized about mid way through the session that I didn't have as much "reserve" as I thought I did so it was hard to keep going. I was able to catch a catnap on the way home from Athens which helped a little. But then, I tried to watch NCAA basketball last night and kept falling asleep. Every time I would wake up I would catch the score watch a little more and then fall asleep again. Hopefully, I can stay awake for the women's games tonight.

1 comment:

Patty McNally Doherty said...

Dear K,

My name is Patty McNally Doherty and I just wanted to let you know there are many, many of us who are doing all we can to bring this disease to an end. Please know that we are in the trenches working with researchers, getting money directly to their labs and doing all we can to move closer to the day when we can say Alzheimer's is a beatable, treatable disease.

My father was diagnosed when he was in his early 70s. We are a big Irish family and we cared for him at home for eleven years. When he died in January, 2006, we started The Unforgettable Fund to raise money to fight this disease. In the past two years, we've raised over $30,000 and have directly supported the Alzheimer's research of Dr. Malcolm Leissring who is now at Mayo Jacksonville, and Dr. Claes Wahlestadt of Scripps Florida. I know these two men personally and can assure you, they are dedicated and driven to unmasking this disease. We do it for free, not a penny of donor money goes anywhere but to the lab. And we do it because we learned, each day for eleven years, that Alzheimer's must be stopped.

Please know that your story and the millions of others are not just launched into the abyss of the internet. They are the fuel that inspire those of us who will not rest until this disease is eliminated from the heart of our families.

Thank you, and your family, for keeping a view of this world available to all. I know it's not easy.
