Saturday, October 09, 2004

Up and Down Day

Today is my 49th birthday. It has been a rather emotional day -- upon waking this morning I received word that a dear friend had passed away from pancreatic cancer. We knew that it wouldn't be long for her but it is still difficult. Earlier in the week, a business associate that I had worked with for over 15 years passed away with cancer. His memorial service is tomorrow. Just about a month ago I was faced with two others passing away within a week of each other. I'm much more emotional than I used to be so these types of things hit me harder than I expect them to.

But, the bright side of my day was that my boy came home from college to surprise me for my birthday -- that is all I wanted for my birthday was to see my son -- and I didn't think it was going to happen for a lot of reasons. But, it did, and that made me very very happy.

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