Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Call for Action

OK everyone, I'm asking you for a favor. Yesterday, the Today Show on NBC ran a story about Alzheimer's. The main message was the current research and where we stand on a cure, early detection and current drugs on the market. If you didn't see the piece here is the link . Hopefully, that will work. If not, go to and click on the Today Show.

What I would like to ask of you is to email NBC and thank them for running the piece. It doesn't cost you anything and it just takes a few minutes. We need more stories about Alzheimer's running on the airwaves and if people take just a minute to let the news organizations know that we want more info out there it will help. The address is

During the month of October CNN is going to be running four one minute segments on Alzheimer's during the Headline News. They are the "Healthy minute". My family and I are featured in one or two of them as well as some the experts in the field of Alzheimer's research. This started out being only one "one minute" segment, but because the information was so good they are doing four different segments. Yes, it is only one minute -- but it is CNN. The segment will be broadcast several times during the day. The first one is scheduled to air on October 6th. I will let you know when the others are going to air. But, I'll be asking you to do the same -- after they air to email CNN and thank them for the coverage.

I would appreciate everyone helping me do this. We can all make a difference. Thanks!

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