Saturday, August 09, 2014

Back from Illinois

We returned from Illinois where we celebrated my brother's life with his wife, my other brother and my brother's children and grandchildren.  It was nice to be with family.  My sister-in-law is doing well, but I know she is exhausted from everything.  Now that my brother is in a better place, we hope Fran will finally get to do some things she has not been able to do for the past few years.

My friends Pody and Rick also came to visit us while we were in Peoria. They are the best friends.......I have many people that I consider "best friends" in the sense they are always there when you need them and even when you don't think you need them, they are there. 

I had my knee replaced a little over two months ago.  I'm not sure if I posted that or not, but I'm glad to say that I am doing much better.  Thanks, in large part to swimming every day and my physical therapy.  This week, I went back to Pickleball -- even though my running is still not what it should be, I was able to play and that makes me happy.  Getting to see my little Pickleball family was good and it lifted my spirits.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I'm so glad you got to spend time with your family. It's so hard to lose a loved one.

I'm glad to hear your recuperation is moving forward on your knee. Before you know it, you'll be back to 100% and running all over the Pickleball court!