Saturday, April 15, 2017

Indulge Me

First of All --

Isn't he cute?  Ian's first baseball game in Atlanta. I know I'm prejudiced -- but he is a bundle of joy.

It's spring and the weather is beautiful in the south.  Lots of things are going on with festivals, graduations and outdoor sports. 

This post is going to be long and probably ramble a bit, but as I titled this, indulge me.  I have a few speaking engagements coming up for the Alzheimer's Association and I have been trying to make some changes in some of my presentations.  One of the things I talk a lot about is the difference in funding research for Alzheimer's disease and other diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.  Alzheimer's is the only disease in the top ten diseases that cause death, that has no cure.  Yet, funding is proportionally lower for Alzheimer's disease that the rest.  I literally preach that we need to make Alzheimer's a CAUSE and perhaps people would look at it differently.  I know I am probably preaching to the choir here as most of you are my dear friends and give generously of your time and give financially to my "cause".

So, this week happened.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Perhaps it hasn't sunk in yet, but my reaction to it hasn't been as devastating as I thought it would be.  We are in the initial phases or meeting with surgeons and doctors, etc. But, with breast cancer I know there is a chance for survival.  Unlike with Alzheimer's.  And, it is because of all the research, all the dollars that have been given and people speaking out about breast cancer that has made this happen.  I know many people that have had breast cancer and survived -- the treatment might not be great but the end result is. Those that have gone before me are my inspiration.

Several years ago when I was speaking to a class at UGA I mentioned that at one point a doctor at Emory told me that he would hope that I would die from something other than Alzheimer's.  I have thought about that a lot.  When I said this to the students one student asked if I was faced with another devastating illness would I seek treatment.  I told her I didn't know the answer to that and would have to wait until that situation ever presented itself (if it did). Well, now here I am and yes, we will seek treatment because our chances are good and I can see a positive outcome. 

I'm hoping that in time our Alzheimer's cause will have the same outcome.  Please continue to speak up, give and encourage people to look at Alzheimer's as the DISEASE that it is and help us fight this dreaded disease.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, I wish that I could find the right words that might encourage you. Please don't give up, your blog is very important to many! We need you!

Carol Moore said...

I do not know of a stronger, more resilient woman than you, Kris. You have certainly been dealt a double whammy in life with Alzheimer's and breast cancer. You are an inspiration to so many people with your continued fight for the Alzheimer's cause and "can do" attitude.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it any way. You have many friends who are praying for and supporting you. Do NOT hesitate to call on any one of us for whatever you need. Your independent personality will try and lead you away from doing that, but don't. Let your friends help you as you fight and go through treatments for the breast cancer.

Just know you are not alone and you are much loved!