Friday, November 26, 2010


I had every intention of posting before Thanksgiving, but got a little sidetracked. I'm working on a project for someone and I got too involved in it. Hope all had a great day. We had a quiet day but the pleasure of having lunch with some friends.....we like to consider them extended family since we have known them for 30 years! I made a bad mistake though when taking my seat at the dinner table. There were nine people -- three people on each side of the table, two on one end and another at the head of the table. I sat on the side of the table in the middle position. It wasn't long before I was caught in crossfire conversation. I started to have a panic attack because of the noise coming at me. I didn't want to get up and leave (although if I did they would have understood) but it was extremely difficult for me to sit there. I couldn't speak and had no idea how to handle it. I didn'thave my earplugs because I had not taken my purse. Obviously, I made it through but it was so difficult. It caught me really off guard and I was mad at myself for putting myself in that position. Spoiling a perfectly good time with friends, because I sat in the wrong chair. Sounds pretty simple doesn't it? Not wanting to correct myself in front of my friends was probably a mistake, but that old pride kicks in and it is hard to combat.

But, I'm thankful that I was able to be with them, I'm thankful for good friends, I'm thankful for everyone's patience.

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