Monday, July 12, 2010

Jan's Story

A few weeks ago I told you all about Jan's Story. A book written by Barry Petersen, a CBS news reporter whose wife has younger on-set Alzheimer's. It's a wonderful book. It was a little hard to get through for me because it hit a little too close to home, but it is definitely worth reading. Barry shares his wife's personality so well, that you think you know her quite well all throughout the book. I know it must have been hard for him to write it. A few weeks ago this story aired on CBS Sunday morning. It's a good introduction to the book.;lst;2

I ordered my book through Borders. But, you can also order it through Amazon. If you have a loved one that is dealing with Alzheimer's or you yourself are, please take time to read the book. It might be hard to get through, but you'll be glad you did.

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