Monday, January 22, 2018

A New Year -- A Better Year?

Yes, that's me now -- grey hair and all! I've been coloring my hair for over 30 years and I told my husband that after the cancer, that however my hair came back it was going to stay that way.  So now it is grey and curly.  This photo is about a month old and it has grown longer, but this is the new me. Take it or leave it.

My grandson Ian is now 13 months old and always brings a smile to my face.  For the love of children.  He is a pretty huggable guy but he stays "busy" as I like to say.

I am hoping that 2018 will be a healthier new year for me.  I certainly wasn't expecting the cancer diagnosis last year and I am hoping there are no surprises for me this year.

I'm heading off to New Orleans this week to an Alzheimer's Association Leadership Summit. Hope to learn some new things and be able to post when I return.

Thanks for bearing with me last is to a healthier, happier 2018!