Friday, August 26, 2016

Two months

has been a long time to post.  I have gotten a lot of comments and emails lately about my journey with this disease so I will try to go back a little to give some perspective to it and answer some of the questions people have asked.

Question 1 -- What were your first symptoms?
I began having problems at work -- I was the manager of a 2,000 seat performing arts theatre and found that after 8 years I had problems doing familiar tasks, multi-tasking, trouble with working with numbers and dealing with season ticket holders and staff.  I first thought it was stress and being tired but I finally went to see a doctor when my symptoms got worse and I found myself somewhere and didn't know where I was or how I had gotten there.

Question 2 - What kind of tests did you have to determine your diagnosis?
I had about 8 months of testing which including all the usual lab tests, blood work. Then I had a spinal tap and that showed a build up of tau in my brain (which cause the tangles in your brain with this disease) and also a gene that carried the Alzheimer's disease.  I also did intense neuropsychological testing.  I was "lucky" from the standpoint that I was diagnosed at an extreme early stage of the disease.

Question 3 - What kind of medicine are you on?
I take Exelon (patch) and Namenda.  I have some other medicines I take that are off label that help with some of the symptoms.

Question 4 - How are you still so functional?
I get this question a lot.  I know many people that have been diagnosed longer than I have and are more functional than I am.  As I said, this was caught early in the disease process and I personally think that makes a difference -- although medical personnel may disagree -- that is only my take on it.  I work at it -- try to stay active both physically and mentally.  There are many many things I cannot do and I won't go into them but I struggle just like everyone else.  It isn't easy -- but I do the best that I can.

It has taken a lot of effort to put down on paper what I have just written.  I used to do this with such ease and now after many hours thinking this through and writing it out several times (with help) I was able to get it this far. 

I appreciate everyone's comments and only hope that if you or someone you know is dealing with this disease that you get help somewhere -- there are lots of resources out there. I work closely with the Alzheimer's Association but there are others as well.  Check them out on the web and get some advice -- it doesn't cost anything to do some research and ask a few questions.  It has helped me and helped my family.

On a lighter note -- we are expecting our first grand child this fall -- and I am hoping that I will be able to enjoy the little one for a long time.